How to Create an Efficient Product Buying Guide for your eCommerce Store?

When a WEB DESIGN COMPANY is working on your e-commerce website, it is also advisable that you upload a blog post or an article that essentially functions as a product-buying guide. E-commerce is a fast-growing industry that is also slowly becoming more and more customer-centric.

The customer is the king and all the branding agencies and creative agencies are now building websites and platforms and strategies and campaigns around the delight and joy of the customers.

This is why, it is imminent that you provide an enhanced, unique, and a wonderful experience to all your customers.

When it comes to e-commerce platforms and websites, CREATIVE AGENCIES will always tell you that you must provide the customers with proper navigation or guidelines as to how they can best go about your website.

In this blog, you will understand in detail everything about a product-buying guide, what it means, why it is necessary and how you can create one which is efficient and helpful to your customers.

What is a product-buying guide?

A buyer™s guide is one of the quickest ways to influence the decisions of your customers and increase your online sales. Customers are preferring online shopping and purchases from e-commerce more compared to before the pandemic when brick-and-mortar businesses still ruled.

The online shopping trend has brought in a huge, untapped customer base ready for all e-commerce businesses. Major e-tailers have buyer™s guides uploaded for the benefit and convenience of their customers.

A buyer™s guide is simply an online article or a blog that is created to inform customers about what points to take into consideration when they are shopping. It assists the customers in making their purchasing decisions by providing the customers with information regarding the product.

A buyer™s guide has A-to-Z information about the product including functionality, specifications, date of manufacturing, materials used in manufacturing, maintenance, size, color, price, and different features, etc

Why a product-buying guide is necessary?

E-commerce businesses are reached by customers all around the globe. When you have an online marketplace, even if your target audience is different, the website is sure to reach customers out of your target range.

It is important that any and every customer be able to make an informed, smart decision when buying and investing in purchasing a certain product. A buying guide helps these customers be aware and informed of what they are purchasing.

Product-buying guides are very helpful to the sellers as they increase brand awareness as well as help in increasing SEO. They are not only used as an information brochure or a booklet to show to the customers but also as marketing tools to show the excellent features of products.

How do you create an efficient product buying guide for your e-commerce business?

For building a perfect and ideal product buying guide, these are the few points that you need to keep in mind:

- Define your target audience

- Build a readable, easy-to-understand format

- Leverage the power of SEO

- Add effective CTAs

Define your target audience

You need to define your segments and personas or target audience before starting to build a product-buying guide. It is the first and the most important question that should come to your mind. To whom are you writing this?

Determine who is most likely to read the product guide. You must write the product-buying guide according to the mindset of your target audience.

You must know what they prioritize more when making buying decisions. Is it the pricing? Is it the model of the product? Is it the brand name?

Highlight the parts that the customers focus on the most. If your clients or target audience belong to a specific segment or a group, you can develop your buying guides accordingly to appeal or accommodate to those segments only.

Sometimes, it happens that the whole product line is not specifically catering to the target audience and within the product line, different products are catering to different groups. Here, you can get creative with different buying guides for the different target groups.

You can use a variety of ways for finding out and defining different segments of your target audience. Some of those ways are through:

- Surveys

- Social Media

- Digital Analytics

You can understand your target audience through various questions, through their online and social media behaviour, and through the analytics, you get based on the digital data that is collected.

Build a readable, easy-to-understand format

When you are done defining and finalizing your target audience, the immediate next step is to choose the format in which you will be writing your buying guide for your e-commerce platform.

You can go for various types of buying guides, textual-based, visuals-based, or hybrid. People read differently over the internet compared to what they read in hard print. To create efficient, effective content online, you need a writing style that is accepted and works with the current readers and your target audience.

Lengthy paragraphs should be avoided at all costs and short paragraphs with breaks will keep your viewers attention hooked to the screen. The format of your buying guide determines whether the reader will stay and make a purchase decision or not.

You can decide on what is best for your target audience and also suits your e-commerce platform and based on that, you can decide on writing a buying guide that consists of enough text and visuals that appeals to your ideal, target customer.

Visitors are drawn to visuals, uncluttered and clear, crisp text, bullet points, and headings, with critical info, highlighted properly in plain view.


Leverage the power of SEO

Once the buyer guide is done, start leveraging the power of SEO. Optimize your website for search engines to start gaining traction and increasing visibility in the eyes of your target audience.

Product guides actually help your websites to also rank higher on search engines and attract new business. The title, URL, and keywords used in your product buying guide will be essential to the success of your SEO.


Add effective CTAs

The entire objective behind writing the product guides is to help the customers make a buying decision. But, you need to nudge them in the right direction for them to actually make that decision.

This is where CTAs are most helpful. If you fail to provide an effective CTA, you are most likely to lose out on revenue.

A well-written CTA provokes actions and decisions. CTAs are said to enhance sales and you can do that by adding an effective, unique, and clear CTA at the end of your product-buying guide.

A CTA will provide the incentive for the buyer to click. And as an e-commerce platform, all you need is one more click.



When it comes to running a successful e-commerce business, a product-buying guide is important for helping your customers arrive at the purchasing decisions. You can bring the customers to the website but the product-buying guides are what will bring them to the checkout page for you.

Product-buying guides work as a very effective, lead-generating tool if not anything else. This is why it is essential that your business work in an efficient product-buying guide for your customers to read.


Author Bio:

Brijesh Jakharia co-founded SPINX Digital in 2005 and takes great pride in crafting web and mobile marketing solutions for mid-market businesses to enterprises. Marketing is his passion, and the thrill to build a brand from the ground up has helped him craft successful brand stories for world-class clients. While not at work, he loves to spend his time on research and reading digital content stories.

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