5 Reasons You Might Need Personal Notary Services

Needing a notary can happen to the best of us. Maybe you™re selling your home, closing on a new mortgage, or buying a car. In any of these situations, you need to have someone vouch for the transaction. However, if you™ve never needed a notary before, then you might be wondering why now? There are many reasons why this might happen to you. Here are five of them:


You™ve Just Bought a New Home

If you™ve just closed on the sale of a new home, then you™re probably ecstatic. However, you™re now going to need someone to notarize your closing documents. In order to make the home buying process a little easier, do a quick google search for a reputable œnotary near me beforehand. This is a requirement in many states. Why? It™s important to have your closing notarized. That way, you™ll know that this is actually what it says it is. If you don™t have your closing notarized, then your new home will be in limbo until you obtain the notary™s signature again. If you™ve just bought a new home, then you may not even know what you need from a notary. Most likely, you haven™t had to have a notary before. However, now that you need one, you™re going to have to learn what you need from a notary.


You™re Getting Married Or Engaged

If you™re getting married or engaged, then you™ll probably have lots of guests at the wedding or engagement party. You™ll definitely want someone to notarize all of your guest™s signatures. This will make sure that they all have been allowed to be a part of this special event. You may also want to have your notary sign a notarized contract, gifting, or other documents related to your wedding.


You™re Closing On A New Mortgage

This may seem like a silly reason to need a notary, but it can happen. If you™re closing on a new mortgage, then you may want to have a notary sign a notarized affidavit. This will make sure that your real estate agent has notarized the closing documents. You™ll also want to have your notary sign a notarized mortgage contract.


You™re Buying A Car

If you™re buying a car, then most likely you™ll need someone to notarize the car title. Whether you™re buying a new car or an older one, you™ll likely need someone to notarize the title. Having your car title notarized will help you avoid issues with car insurance.


Your Business Is Starting Up Or Expanding

When starting a new business or expanding your existing one, you™ll have to have a notary sign contracts, leases, and other legal documents. You™ll also want to notarize the bills of sale for any items you™re selling to expand your business.



Personal notaries can come in handy in a wide variety of situations. In some instances, you might need one as part of a transaction, such as buying a home or getting married. In other situations, you might need a notary to sign documents to close a real estate transaction, such as a mortgage or title transfer. No matter what situation brings you to the door of a notary, it™s important to remember a few things. First, make sure the situation really calls for a notary. Second, keep in mind that these services can be fairly expensive, so be sure you really need them. And third, be sure you have all the paperwork ready.

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