Git vs. FTP: Why You Should Use Git for Pushing Live Changes on Your Website

Git and FTP are two types of version control systems used in software development. Git is a distributed version control system, meaning that it allows multiple developers to make changes to the same project at the same time without any conflicts or confusion. It also allows for tracking of all changes made by each developer so errors can be quickly identified and resolved. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an older method of transferring files from one computer to another over a network connection, usually via the Internet. While it does allow for quick file sharing, it lacks many features found in modern version control systems such as collaboration tools, change tracking, merging capabilities etc., rendering it unsuitable for most software development workflows. The main difference between Git and FTP is that while FTP allows users to transfer files between computers over a network connection but does not provide any version control features like those found in Git.


Git vs. FTP                                   

Advantages of Git:

Git is a distributed version control system, meaning that multiple developers can work on the same project at the same time without any conflicts or confusion. It also allows for tracking of all changes made by each developer so errors can be quickly identified and resolved. The branching feature in git allows developers to experiment with different code versions while still keeping the main branch intact. This makes it easier to go back and forth between different versions if needed, instead of having to manually undo changes in order to get back to a working version. Furthermore, git is open-source software which means it can be used free of charge by anyone who needs it.

Limitations of FTP:

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is an older method of transferring files from one computer to another over a network connection, usually via the Internet. While it does allow for quick file sharing, it lacks many features found in modern version control systems such as collaboration tools, change tracking, merging capabilities etc., rendering it unsuitable for most software development workflows. Additionally, since FTP requires manual configuration as well as authentication credentials in order to access data transferred through its protocol; this may add extra complexity when dealing with multiple users who need access privileges across multiple servers or machines connected together over a network connection.

Advantages of FTP:

Despite its shortcomings compared with other more advanced version control systems like Git; FTP still has some advantages that make it useful for certain types of projects and applications where security isn't paramount but speed is important “ particularly when dealing with large amounts of data transfers across distances or networks that are not always reliable or secure enough for other protocols like SSH (Secure Shell). Furthermore; because FTP is an established standard protocol which has been around since 1971 “ there are many existing tools available which make setting up and managing file transfers much simpler than trying to build something from scratch using newer technologies like Web Sockets or REST APIs.


Git Workflow

The first step of a Git workflow is creating a repository. This can be done on the local machine or remotely on an online hosting service like Git Hub. A repository stores all the files and folders related to a project, along with any associated version control history. Once created, developers are able to add their changes to this repository and commit them in order for them to be tracked by others working on the same project.

Next comes staging and committing changes. Staging allows developers to group together certain changes that they want to include when making a commit; while also excluding other changes from being included in that particular commit if necessary. This helps keep track of which specific lines of code were changed during each iteration and makes it easier for future debugging if something goes wrong down the line. When everything looks good, then those staged changes can be committed into the repository as an atomic unit “ meaning either all of them will get added or none at all depending on whether there was an error during the process or not.

Furthermore, once developers have done their local contributions, they must push them up to remote repositories so that everyone else with access may see what has happened with their project since the last time they checked out its source code (i.e., downloaded it from git). This is critical for keeping everyone up to date with the most recent versioning information as well as ensuring that collaboration between team members remains consistent throughout development cycles - avoiding potential conflicts caused by multiple people working on projects concurrently using different versions.


FTP Workflow

When dealing with FTP, the workflow starts by first connecting to the server using an FTP client. This can be done either through a dedicated application (such as File Zilla) or via command line tools like curl. Once connected, files can then be uploaded from the local machine to the remote server in order to begin making changes.

Once all desired changes have been made and tested locally; they must then be uploaded back up onto the remote server for everyone else who has access to view them. This is generally done by downloading all changed files from their original locations on the local machine and re-uploading them into a different folder on the remote server (this way, if something were to go wrong during uploads “ it would not affect existing versions of those same files). Depending on how large these file transfers are; this process may take some time depending on connection speeds between machines involved.

After backing up the remote server, double-check the versions to verify no mistakes were made along the way. Before putting the revised versions into production for customers, clients, and users, users should do brief tests to check everything looks fine. This guarantees that everyone is pleased with the presentation.

Security Considerations

Git security is important to consider when working with version control systems. Git stores all of the history and changes associated with a project in a repository, which can be accessed remotely by users who have been granted access privileges. In order to ensure that the information stored within this repository remains secure; it™s recommended that organizations utilize two-factor authentication (2FA) for user accounts in order to protect against unauthorized access attempts. Additionally; strong passwords should be used whenever possible since weak credentials can leave repositories vulnerable to malicious attackers or even accidental data leakage through careless sharing practices.


FTP security also needs to be taken into consideration when dealing with file transfers over network connections, as FTP requires manual configuration as well as authentication credentials in order for users to connect and transfer data between machines connected together by its protocol. It™s therefore important that these credentials remain secure at all times, such as via password management tools like Last Pass or Kee Pass XC “ both of which encrypt sensitive data using strong encryption algorithms and are available free of charge on most operating systems including Windows, mac OS, Linux etc. Furthermore; it™s advisable for organizations utilizing FTP services to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) whenever possible “ thus ensuring communication between computers remains encrypted during transit across public networks like the internet where there could potentially exist eavesdroppers wanting access to their confidential information.


Git and other version control systems are the best options for project management and pushing live updates. Developers can trace changes and undo errors because of their robust branching and merging features. Due to the fact that its authentication credentials are encrypted while travelling across networks, Git also provides more security than FTP. For best security and effectiveness in large-scale software development projects or data transfers, organisations should give version control systems like Git precedence over conventional techniques like FTP.



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